Translation Review
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Translation Review issue 120 is now available.
By Translation Review Staff | August 2024
TR 120—the new issue of Translation Review—is now available online (the print version will be in mailboxes soon). In this issue, we have three interviews: our conversation with Damion Searls, Alaaeldin Mahmoud’s interview with Marilyn Booth, and DP Snyder’s conversation with Suzanne Jill Levine. In addition, we have articles on Booth’s award-winning translation of Jokha Alharthi’s Celestial Bodies; poetry translation done by ChatGPT-4; points of poetential conflict in translaboration; an analysis of Louise Varèse’s translation of Rimbaud’s Illuminations; an article discussing translating César Moro’s surrealist poetry; and finally, an article on Muna Lee’s translations of Carrera Andrade. The issue closes with three book reviews—on Ukrainian and Russian poetry; computer-assisted literary translation; and the translator’s invisibility.
The cover art for this issue—Moonlight (early twentieth century)—was created by an unknown artist and is in the public domain.
The latest articles and past issues can be also found on the Translation Review pages of the Taylor and Francis website.
You can also find links to all the special issues published in TR on this page.
Links to the most read articles and links to the most cited articles are also available on the TR pages.
Translation Review is a forum for the discussion of the art, practice, and theory of literary translation.